Christmas 2023

2023 has been an exciting year for IMPOWER™, working for a large-scale resources organisation assisting in setting up a state-of-the-art centralised asset health monitoring hub and associated systems.  We look forward to 2024.

We will be closed for the Christmas-New Year break for some R&R from Friday 22nd December 2023, returning Tuesday 2nd January 2024.

IMPOWER™ wishes all our clients and friends a safe and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Christmas 2022

We will be closed for the Christmas-New Year break from Friday 23rd December 2022, returning Monday 2nd January 2023.

IMPOWER™ wishes you and your loved ones a safe and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Asset Management Council of Australia’s virtual Maintenance & Reliability Summit

The Asset Management Council of Australia’s upcoming virtual Maintenance & Reliability Summit happening on the 22 July includes a presentation on the 10 Best Practices in Reliability Information Management.

Many businesses underestimate the strategic benefits that maintenance and reliability can bring and the importance of optimising maintenance management as part of an organisation’s corporate strategy.

With changing market conditions, companies need to address reliability information management as a strategic priority to maintain their competitive position, to shift maintenance away from unscheduled outages to optimised planned outages, thereby improving overall reliability and thus profitability.

The talk will highlight effective reliability information management through an Intelligent Asset Management framework focused on harnessing data, application of appropriate quantitative and qualitative analytical techniques and presenting information in simple and effective ways to support evidence-based decision making from operations to executive level.

This and more at the AMCouncil 22 July Virtual Maintenance & Reliability Summit. For more information and to register, visit the following link.


September 2019 marks the ten-year anniversary IMPOWER TECHNOLOGIES® (IMPOWER™).

IMPOWER™ was founded to introduce intelligent asset management across the energy and natural resources (ENR) sector for a safer and more reliable way of operating.

While consulting across the mining industry, I discovered that failures of large-scale critical assets could be avoided by equipping the on-site maintenance, engineering and planning teams with standardised and repeatable tools, systems and processes to identify and manage the risk of asset failure.

We also needed to simplify the presentation of critical information to the executive-level in such a way that risk could be identified before it became a crisis.

In 2010, the original company vision expanded IMPOWER™ to include software development.  The MRMP® Solution for Asset Integrity Management was born.

Since 2010, IMPOWER TECHNOLOGIES® MRMP® Solution has significantly improved the way asset integrity is managed across the ENR sector.

Employees within the resources sector will come and go, they will move across organisations and priorities will change.  However, as a technology provider, we provide a constant point of contact for these organisations.

Innovation is not a one-off event.  Innovation requires companies to continually build on and develop technologies to address industry problems.  Being a technology provider means that IMPOWER™ can transfer this technology across industry, making it safer and more effective for industry as a whole.

Congratulations to all suppliers that service the Australian Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) sector and thank you to the clients that have supported us.  It is through these collaborations that we can advance our industry, add value to clients to make our industry safer and more effective.

IMPOWER™ is celebrating ten years in the Australian Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) Sector.

Dr Yvonne Power nominated for a Women in Technology (WiTWA) Award

Dr Yvonne Power is honoured to be nominated for a 2019 Women in Technology (WiTWA) Award.

Reflecting on her career in technology over the past twenty years, Yvonne recognises the important and positive influence female role models have played throughout her career.  She believes it’s important for women to be visible and to make their stories known, to inspire more women into Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).

A list of all delegates and award winners can be found on the WitWA Tech[+] Inspiring Role Models Page.

WitWA Tech[+] Conference, 24th October, Perth, Western Australia

Meet the Innovator: Dr Yvonne Power at Core Innovation Hub

Dr Yvonne Power was honoured to be the invited guest Innovator for September’s Meet the Innovator series at CORE Innovation Hub.  Yvonne spoke on how she established and grew her company, IMPOWER™, maintained long term relationships with global operators and successfully introduced world leading and award-winning asset health and integrity management solutions into large scale operations.

CORE’s Meet the Innovator series connects people to innovators in the resources and energy sector, sharing insights about their business, professional journey and global opportunities.  Further information on CORE’s Meet the Innovator series can be found at

Dr Yvonne Power at PHME18: Automated Predictive Monitoring and Diagnosis across the Energy and Natural Resources Sector

On Thursday 5th July 2018, Dr Yvonne Power, Principal IMPOWER TECHNOLOGIES® (IMPOWER™) presented at the Fourth European Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (PHME18) hosted in Utrecht, The Netherlands.  The Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHM Society) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of PHM as an engineering discipline.  The conference brings together the community of PHM experts from industry, academia and government in diverse application areas such as energy, aerospace, transportation, automotive, defence, manufacturing, mining, rail and industrial automation.

Dr Power’s presentation focused on strategies for automated, predictive monitoring and diagnosis incorporating advanced intelligent systems technologies for large scale assets across the energy and natural resources sector.  It examined the selection of appropriate data (not just ‘big data’), sensors, algorithms (not just ‘machine learning’), platforms, analytical tools, visualisation and ERP/CMMS integration for sustainable, scaleable, supportable, fully automated monitoring and diagnosis in an industrial setting.  The emphasis was on the development of algorithms that continue to provide benefits over the long term and across the life of the assets.

Dr Power finished with a case study, a world first mining application of automated root cause analysis to automatically detect, identify and isolate the root cause of equipment, process and control issues across a mining and minerals processing operation.  The case study incorporates causal graphs which show the causal relationships between faults and their progression across the supply chain, whereas current platforms on the market mainly rely on statistical or machine learning models to detect and identify failures.

No conference is complete without an industry visit, this time, to Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance depot in Amsterdam.

Dr Yvonne Power (far right) and with delegates from PHME18 at Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance depot, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dr Power specialises in introducing intelligent systems across the resources sector for asset management, maintenance and operations.  She has a PhD in Integrated Process Operations Management and has worked nationality and internationally on intelligent Asset Performance Management (iAPM) focusing on platform development, guiding technology developments as part of a technical steering committee and successfully introducing advanced and award winning Asset Health and Integrity Management Solutions into operations such as iron ore, uranium, gold, alumina, coal, civil (process and non-process) infrastructure, hydroelectric power generation and rail.

For further information on our advisory services contact IMPOWER™.

Industry Mentoring Network in STEM Perth Event

Dr Yvonne Power at WCEAM2017

The Word Congress in Engineering and Asset Management (WCAEM2017) held in Brisbane 2-4th August 2017 provided a great opportunity to hear about the latest developments in automated predictive motioning and diagnosis across industry and academia within Australia and worldwide.

On day one, Dr Yvonne Power, founder and Principal of IMPower Technologies® explored ‘Automated Predictive Monitoring and Diagnosis in the Energy and Natural Resources Sector’.

AMPEAK2017 Award Finalist: MRMP® Solution for Asset Integrity Management

IMPower Technologies® is pleased to be one of the finalists in the AMPEAK2017 Asset Management Councils Excellence Awards for innovation, information management and cost/risk performance with the MRMP® Solution for Asset Integrity Management.

For further information on the MRMP® Solution contact IMPOWER™.